Fish Species

Noted fish species are based on fish stockings, MDOC lake reports and actual angler catches. If you caught something in addition to these species please let us know what it is and in which lake it was caught. Please email the information to the webmasters (see "contact us" page). 

Lake Saint Louis:


Green Sunfish

Long Ear Sunfish

Large Mouth Bass

Spotted Bass

Hybrid Striped Bass

White Crappie

Black Crappie

Channel Catfish

Flathead Catfish

Yellow Bullhead

Common Carp

Golden Redhorse

Gizzard Shad

Various Minnows and Shiners

Lake Saint Louise:


Green Sunfish

Large Mouth Bass

Small Mouth Bass

Spotted Bass

Hybrid Striped Bass

White Crappie

Black Crappie

Channel Catfish

Flathead Catfish

Grass Carp

Common Carp

Gizzard Shad

Various Minnows and Shiners




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